Error is the force that welds men together. We frequently seek consolation in the mistakes comitted by others.All of us at one time or the other do things
either deliberately or unconciously which are repented at later date. If human mind could foresee the future and if human intelligence could lay down the
trend of events in advance the course of history would have been quite different. The man who having misjufged position ones takes step for future use is
more likely to success. It is peculiar trait of mind to ponder over what was and would have happened if such and such thing would not have taken
place.One who desires to learn driving must be prepared for few mishaps. the child before he learns to walk undergoes number of falls.mistakes are
stepping stone tosuccess. To err is human. Count the number of bludners one commits. The most importatn t part is not to avoid mistakes but to learn
from them. You cannot foresee beyond your control that could obset the plan. Perfection is attribute something that can be applied to nature only. Man is
still far away from being perfect. Maybe there is something good in it too. Mankinds imperfection provide the glue which binds one indivisual to other.
Birds of same feather flock together. To Err is human. We should learn from our mistakes eather than lamenting over them.
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Nice blog Giri!