Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Programming in OpenGL

This is for All my dear friends who are interested in doing programming in openGL.

All you need is Visual studio. and library files for openGL.

1. Create a new project and select win32 cosole Application .
2. Copy any of my program as it is into the main source file
3. Search for glut.h and glut32.lib and glut32.dll on internet and copy them in your windows folders. For example you can copy glut32.dll and glut32.lib in your windows system32 folder. you can copy glut.h in your program files/visual studio/vc/include folder etc.

4. Now compile and run your program.

Now start reading some nice book of openGL. Understand the concepts and write small small programs.

Welcome to the amazing world of openGL :-)

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