Tuesday, April 28, 2015

On getting equal

How many times do you come across phrases such as "I have avenged myself. " "I have taught him a lesson he will remember for his life" "My mind would not rest till I show him for what he is worth. " "wait and see how I deliver my blow" "let my turn come?"

Life has many sides . One of those is to live along with others. It is not possible for you or me to cut ourselves off completely and live by ourselves. The stream of existence is composed of tiny driplets such as you and I. All of us are intrinsically one despite our  separate modes of living and mental reservations. A common bond unites each and every individiual. The human race has evolved out of same parentage and the soul occupying our bodies is one single entity.

In our passage through life and whilst engaged in the struggle for livelihood it is but natural to give our and receive blows. The one who can with stand this knocks best is termed as successful men. Ability to avert getting toppled over by set backs must be acquired. Nature by and large has provided each one of us with equal weapons to fight our battles. Whether you keel the edges of these weapons sharper than your neighbour depends on your own resourcefulness and efforts. Those who are constantly on alert are in the position to take better care of themselves. They in other words minimize the chances of being knocked out. The fight is to be faught with every possible means at your command and every part of your body and mind must be geared to play its part in accordance with demands of the occasion.

The desire to get equal is inborn in human nature. The religious teachers may preach that it is against the wishes of a god to endevour to avenge yourself but from the practical point of view no one can deny that there is pleasure and satisfaction to be derived from returning a blow for a blow. My plea however is that whilst you should leave no stone unturned, no way unexplored and no method untried to bring those who have harmed you to suffer for that do no let the passion envelope you so completely that you forget what is good for you , In striking the enemy do not swing the sword so fast that after slashing through him it injures your own leg. It is important that your peace of mind should not suffer in the process. You should be able to keep your head cool and heart stout. A cool head with stout heart and healthy body can not be matched with any power on earth.

From my personal experience our grievences against others are more often than not a mere figment of imagination. They are mostly based on trivialities. I remember an occasion some ten years ago when i felt an afront at acquaitance of mine not offering me a cigarrete 

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