Sunday, April 19, 2015



If you have had a good night 's sleep , you are likely to wake up refreshed. Assuming, you have no special worries befogging your mind, sound sleep should engender a feeling of cheerfulness.
Like a flower bud opening with first ray of sun, your face should light up with smile. Today is your luckiest day. You would undoubtefly be able to perform your duties with utmost efficiency and skill. you are the best person in the world for the job confronting you. The problem which will arise in the execution of your responsibilities are no match for you intelligence , wit , energy and mental sharpness. No man is yet born who can deflect you from your purpose. No difficulty has yet been known which you cannot surmount.
The chirping of birds, the sound of the milkmans foot steps and the vibrations of the early morning atmosphere have heralded the day for you,. May it be the day when you will not fail to contribute your mite to your own good, the good of your country and humanity generally. Before nightfall the appointed task will be performed satisfactorily.

Despair and defeat are feelings alien to you. Despondency and hopelessness have no place in your thoughts. Dejection and pessimism are mean adversaries for nobility and bravery of your spirit. Resoluteness is your watchword, gallantry your beacon light and tenacity your guiding principle. Achievement is for those who wish to achieve , success is for those who are detemined to succeed, happiness is for those who resolve to be happy.

All the good traits are found in abundance in you. Why then be afraid of anything. Fear is a feeling reserved for cowards and shirkers , not for those who have the ability to brave the storms , to cross rough seas and scale the highest mountains.
Like a cheerful bird, you are destined to soar high and touch the sky.

Happy the man and Happy he alone, He who can call today his own,
He who secure within can say , Tomorrow do thy worst for I have lived today.


Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day which must be done whether you like it or not. Being forced to work and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self control diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content and hundred virtues which the idle will never know. 

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