Sunday, April 19, 2015

Water maintains its level why can't you

Water is one of the natures greatest gifts. In fact 2/3 rd of world of ours consists of water. We must learn something from it. WE must regard its characterisic as guide in many respects. It is the one comodity which perhaps is the dearest to nature as well as human soul. Just recall how shower of rain sends through our system vibrations of romance mirth and cheerfulnes. IS there any living being which does not have water in its assemblage ? BEsides water we actually drink we receive considerable quantity of it from food we eat. ALmost all the different articles of food that we consume contain large quantity of water. If we were to add up all different constitutes of the solid food which we eat every day more than 50 % of it would be water. It is not therefor worth emulating

If you follow a great man you would in due course imbibe some of his greatness . Water is not only great in its own rights but its greatness assumes unsurpassing proportions WHen you consider a good it does to life on this earth. It is senior most partner in running the show of the world. In company vocabulary it is the managing director.

Learn the thing or two from it. The most important quality of water is it maintains its level. Do what you may you cannot make it topsy turvy or hang upside down. If small difficulty and minor irritations upset your mental balance how can you rise to the heights reached by water. Try to be impertureble inexcitable in the face of danger . Maintain your coolness and placidity . The moment it cuts across waters disturbing its even surface it gathers up its folds and resumes its former shape. You cannot make it lose its equanimity

Its endurance and forbearance is unimitable. Put a leg in a pool of water and splash it all around. Remove your leg and you will find it as calm as ever. The tiny drops which you separated from its bulk have rejoined the main body.

Stand along a brook and watch it striving its best to reach its destination and become one with the great ocean. It flows incessantly through hills and plains and overcomes all types of obstacles in its progress. Put a rock in its way and see how it goes over it, under it and round it. Man faced with a difficulty may give up but no , not the stream. No obstruction is too much for it. No hindrance can deflect it from its course and no barrier is too strong to bar its flow. If you put a dam across it to hold it, a day comes when it overflows and rushes again towards its goal.

The problem with which you are surrounded are all capable of solution, given the necessary time and effort. Like the brook you have to go over them, under them and round them. Though soft by itself, water, through sheer perseverance , changes the shape of hard substances such as stone. Big rocks in its way ultimately become small pebbles with which it plays and through which it rustles.

  Small stream and brooklets when they unite become the mighty oceans. There is no distinction in ocean waters about the nationality , colour, creed or religion of its various components. Once they become one, you cannot distinguish between one part and other. In union lies strength is the message conveyed to you by the wateres comprising the oceans. These waters have flowed into it from all the four corners of the world, from all the countries, regardless of whether they are inhabited by whites, blacks, grey or brown people. 


    Points to remember.
1. Water maintains its level. you should also strive to do so.
2. Difficulties and irritations should leave you unruffled.
3. Main characteristic of water you must emulate are poise, peace, coolness, placidity, perseverance and unity

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