That man is the happiest who enjoys others happiness for in this way he can partake in the pleasures and merry making of all persons on this earth . Could there be greater reward? Can you conceive of any other wish greater than this All the fun of all the living beings on this world can yours by merely a readjustment of the working of your brain. Alas how few of us realise this basica truth . It may be dined into ears day in and day out yet it does not find a permanent place in the minds of many,.
We try to drown our worries in alcohol or over a game of cards. These may provide temporary palliatives but the need of hour is a permanent solution. If the water in the kettle is boiling and you want to cool it down the first thing you should do is switch off stove. You can not cool it by taking a bagfull of ice and pour it on kettle. It may have temporary effect on kettle but burning fire will assert itself. The difficulties and problems facing us can overcome only by looking them straight in eye and devising methods to go over , under or around them .There is no other solution. you cannot cut a piece of wood with your hands. It requires use of saw. The means you adopt to cut through your mental torture should be proper and effective.
What the eyes see and senses convey to the mind may be true or untrue, Often what we perceive is not real. It is only by reasoning that we can arrive at the basic truth. What lies hidden behind the rusty piece of metal sheet is anybody's guess. It may be prime tin or a patched up affair. The man who has developed his instincts to distinguish between real and unreal saves himself quite a few headaches,.
Rashness is akin to jumping into deep waters without an adequate knowledge of swimming, We should be careful to avoid being hustled. Undue hurry ay lead to worry. It is no use getting wise after event. Steps should be taken if possible to ensure that an eventuality does not occur which may be harmful to us. Careful deliberation is required to negotiate steep bends and curves in our path. If we just push ourselves along without much thought for security, we may fall into the abyss below.
Fear and indecision to us are like corrosion to metalks. By giving way to these our vitals are affects . If you put ropes round a person and then ask him to run he would not be able to do so. Unless the mind is freee of inhibitions and artificial restraints it would not act with spees, determintion and agility,. You can not make mind captive to harmful ideas and yet expect best out of it. Captivity has a n adverse effect on the instincts for initiative and boldness.
Perseverance is sine quo none for achievement . THe more strings you put into the rope , the stronger it becomes, A well is never dug by single blow,. Nor can you reach the peak of mountain by a single jump. One has to climb on ladder step by step. To reach the fifth floor of building you have to pass through the first four. He who can continues the effort undaunted by initial hurdles has every possibility of reaching the goal.
Those who are constantly aware of the shortness of this life and the fact that everything has ultimately to come to and end have a much better frame of mind to ensure the troubles that often crop up. Time is great healer. Let it exert its healthy influence.
Like the dew on the mountain, Like the foam on the river. Like the bubble on the fountains , Thou art gone and for ever. Walter scott.
We all strive for happiness . In our mistaken belief, we think it is to be found in wealth and riches, This is an anomaly, It is mirage. Real happiness generally has very little or no connection with material posessions. Shelly said correctly when stated.
You seek for happiness alas the day,
you find it not in luxury , nor in gold,
Nor in the fame nor in the invalid sway,
For which O willing slaves to customs old,
Severe taskmistress! Ye yours hearts are sold.
It all depends on the way you look at things . One person may take the loss of his wife seriously and pass the rest of his life dreaming about her sweet memories. Another may find it riddance. Our mind can draw out any picture you ask to. It is like a mirror which will reflect the object in front of it.
Greatness has its disadvantages too. It brings along with it many burdens and responsibilities.
How dreary to be somebody,
How public like a frog,
To tell your name the livelong day,
To an admiring bog! Emily dickinson
To be really great, we must emulate nature. It takes pleasure in giving and does not look forward to returns. Yet It has devised a system whereby everything returns to its original position. Clouds lift the water our of mighty oceans and pour it down on mother earth, After helping the earth in sustaining animate and inanimate beings it returns to its origin. The cycle continues indefinitely.
Man's cycle of birth and death is same. One gets born and after acting his part on worlds stage dissolves into the same elements that went into his making,
This little life we all must endure,
The graves most holy peace is ever sure,
WE fail asleep and never wake again,
nothing is of us but the mouldering flesh,
Whose elements dissolve and merge afresh,
In earth air water plants and other men.
James thomas
We try to drown our worries in alcohol or over a game of cards. These may provide temporary palliatives but the need of hour is a permanent solution. If the water in the kettle is boiling and you want to cool it down the first thing you should do is switch off stove. You can not cool it by taking a bagfull of ice and pour it on kettle. It may have temporary effect on kettle but burning fire will assert itself. The difficulties and problems facing us can overcome only by looking them straight in eye and devising methods to go over , under or around them .There is no other solution. you cannot cut a piece of wood with your hands. It requires use of saw. The means you adopt to cut through your mental torture should be proper and effective.
What the eyes see and senses convey to the mind may be true or untrue, Often what we perceive is not real. It is only by reasoning that we can arrive at the basic truth. What lies hidden behind the rusty piece of metal sheet is anybody's guess. It may be prime tin or a patched up affair. The man who has developed his instincts to distinguish between real and unreal saves himself quite a few headaches,.
Rashness is akin to jumping into deep waters without an adequate knowledge of swimming, We should be careful to avoid being hustled. Undue hurry ay lead to worry. It is no use getting wise after event. Steps should be taken if possible to ensure that an eventuality does not occur which may be harmful to us. Careful deliberation is required to negotiate steep bends and curves in our path. If we just push ourselves along without much thought for security, we may fall into the abyss below.
Fear and indecision to us are like corrosion to metalks. By giving way to these our vitals are affects . If you put ropes round a person and then ask him to run he would not be able to do so. Unless the mind is freee of inhibitions and artificial restraints it would not act with spees, determintion and agility,. You can not make mind captive to harmful ideas and yet expect best out of it. Captivity has a n adverse effect on the instincts for initiative and boldness.
Perseverance is sine quo none for achievement . THe more strings you put into the rope , the stronger it becomes, A well is never dug by single blow,. Nor can you reach the peak of mountain by a single jump. One has to climb on ladder step by step. To reach the fifth floor of building you have to pass through the first four. He who can continues the effort undaunted by initial hurdles has every possibility of reaching the goal.
Those who are constantly aware of the shortness of this life and the fact that everything has ultimately to come to and end have a much better frame of mind to ensure the troubles that often crop up. Time is great healer. Let it exert its healthy influence.
Like the dew on the mountain, Like the foam on the river. Like the bubble on the fountains , Thou art gone and for ever. Walter scott.
We all strive for happiness . In our mistaken belief, we think it is to be found in wealth and riches, This is an anomaly, It is mirage. Real happiness generally has very little or no connection with material posessions. Shelly said correctly when stated.
You seek for happiness alas the day,
you find it not in luxury , nor in gold,
Nor in the fame nor in the invalid sway,
For which O willing slaves to customs old,
Severe taskmistress! Ye yours hearts are sold.
It all depends on the way you look at things . One person may take the loss of his wife seriously and pass the rest of his life dreaming about her sweet memories. Another may find it riddance. Our mind can draw out any picture you ask to. It is like a mirror which will reflect the object in front of it.
Greatness has its disadvantages too. It brings along with it many burdens and responsibilities.
How dreary to be somebody,
How public like a frog,
To tell your name the livelong day,
To an admiring bog! Emily dickinson
To be really great, we must emulate nature. It takes pleasure in giving and does not look forward to returns. Yet It has devised a system whereby everything returns to its original position. Clouds lift the water our of mighty oceans and pour it down on mother earth, After helping the earth in sustaining animate and inanimate beings it returns to its origin. The cycle continues indefinitely.
Man's cycle of birth and death is same. One gets born and after acting his part on worlds stage dissolves into the same elements that went into his making,
This little life we all must endure,
The graves most holy peace is ever sure,
WE fail asleep and never wake again,
nothing is of us but the mouldering flesh,
Whose elements dissolve and merge afresh,
In earth air water plants and other men.
James thomas
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